USA Captive Hatched Baby Mata Mata Turtle (Chelus fimbriatus)


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USA Captive Hatched Baby Mata Mata Turtle

We have beautiful Baby Mata Mata Turtles for sale at American Reptile Distributors!

These are almost never offered in the United States as captive hatched babies. Extremely rare opportunity
These are large land turtles with spiky and rigid scales.  They have an autumn like color palette. They are known to be one of the most interesting species of turtles since their shells can sometimes be mistaken for a large piece of bark and the top of their heads can appear to look like fallen leaves due to evolution!

Species: Chelus fimbriatus
Size: These are roughly 2-3 inches
Natural Range:
Food: Live fish and blood worms

Lifespan: Up to 75 years in captivity with proper care
All Turtles and Tortoises under four inches are sold for scientific, educational or export purposes only.

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